
Condition or Disorder Intervention vs. Control Outcome Follow-up Duration Event Rates % NNT (95% CI)
Graves Hyperthyroidism1 Radioiodine and prednisone vs. radioiodine therapy Development and improvement of opthalmopathy 1 year 15 0 7 (5 to 11)
Type 2 diabetes mellitus in overweight patients2 Radioiodine and prednisone vs. radioiodine therapy Diabetes related end point 10 years 39 29 10 (6 to 29)
Deaths from diabetes 13 8> 19 (10 to 138)
All cause mortality 22 15 14 (8 to 67)
MI 18 11 16 (9 to 78)
Diabetic men with erectile dysfunction3 Sildenafil vs. placebo Improved erections 12 weeks 10.2 56.5 3 (2 to 3)
“Insulin requiring” diabetes4 Regular telephone contact with a diabetes nurse educator for advice about adjustment of insulin therapy vs. regular clinic visits and usual contact with the endocrinologist for insulin adjustment Mean HbAlc level and proportion of patients who achieved a reduction in HbAlc level ≥ 10% 6 months 35 87 2 (1 to 4)
