
Condition or Disorder Intervention vs. Control Outcome Follow-up Duration Event Rates % NNT (95% CI)
Alcohol-related seizures1 Lorazepam vs. placebo Occurrence of a second seizure 6 hours 24 3 5 (4 to 9)
Care for acute stroke victims2 Patients were allocated to a Stroke unit or to Ward care Proportion of patients living at home 5 years 18.2 34.5 6 (4 to 21)
Migraine headaches3 Riboflavin vs. placebo Frequency of headaches 3 months 19 54 3 (2 to 11)
Headache days 15 57 3 (2 to 6)
Acute stroke unit care4 Stroke unit vs. general ward care Quality of life measured by the Frenchay Activity index ≥ 30 points 5 years 40.6 5 (2 to 80)
Non-disabling stroke; carotid endarterectomy5 Carotid endarterectomy vs. medical care Ipsolateral stroke 5 years 18.7 13.1 18 (10 to 186)
Any stroke 26.4 19.8 15 (8 to 100)
Stroke or death 36.4 27.9 12 (7 to 44)
Disabling stroke or death 20.1 14.9 19 (10 to 783)
Multiple sclerosis attacks6 Methylpredni-solone vs. placebo ≥ 1 point improvement on Kurtzke Expanded Disability Status Scale 1 year 22 50 4 (2 to 105)
Secondary progressive multiple sclerosis7 Interferon-b1b vs. placebo Progression 33 months 49.7 39.1 9 (6 to 30)
Acute Stroke7 Intra-arterial recombinant prourokinase plus intravenous heparin vs. intravenous heparin alone Proportion of patients with a modified Rankin score ≤ 2 90 days 25 40 7 (3 to 268)
Episodic cluster headache8 Verapamil vs. placebo Non-response (= having ≤ 50% reduction in cluster headache attack frequency) 2 weeks 100 20 1 (1 to 2)
Multiple sclerosis (MS)9 Interferon β-1a vs. placebo Mean change in scores on the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale and the proportion of responders on the Clinical Global Impression Scale 12 weeks 32 66 4 (3 to 5)
