At the centre of the knowledge-to-action cycle is the knowledge funnel, which represents knowledge creation. Knowledge creation, or the production of knowledge, is composed of three phases: knowledge inquiry (first-generation knowledge), knowledge synthesis (second-generation knowledge), and creation of knowledge tools and/or products (third-generation knowledge). As the knowledge is filtered or distilled through each stage in the knowledge creation process, the resulting knowledge becomes more synthesized and potentially more useful to end users.

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- Table of Contents
- Summarized book content
- Introduction to Knowledge Translation
- Knowledge Creation
- Knowledge Synthesis
- The Review Team
- Formulating the Question, Eligibility Criteria, and Protocol
- Finding Relevant Studies
- Selecting Studies for Inclusion
- Assessing Risk of Bias of Included Studies
- Extracting Data from the Individual Studies
- Analyzing the Data
- Presenting the Results of the Review
- Interpreting the Results
- Disseminating the Results of the Review
- Increasing Uptake of Review Results
- Knowledge Translation Tools
- Knowledge Dissemination
- Knowledge Synthesis
- The Action Cycle
- Teaching Resources
- About the Authors