A review of 10 systematic reviews of patient decision aids showed that these knowledge tools improve patients’ participation in decision making, knowledge of options, and agreement between patients’ values and the subsequent treatment or screening decisions. However, their impact on clinical outcomes is less clear. Finally, there appears to be a positive effect on patients’ communication with their health practitioner and mixed results on the time required for this consultation.

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- Table of Contents
- Summarized book content
- Introduction to Knowledge Translation
- Knowledge Creation
- Knowledge Synthesis
- The Review Team
- Formulating the Question, Eligibility Criteria, and Protocol
- Finding Relevant Studies
- Selecting Studies for Inclusion
- Assessing Risk of Bias of Included Studies
- Extracting Data from the Individual Studies
- Analyzing the Data
- Presenting the Results of the Review
- Interpreting the Results
- Disseminating the Results of the Review
- Increasing Uptake of Review Results
- Knowledge Translation Tools
- Knowledge Dissemination
- Knowledge Synthesis
- The Action Cycle
- Teaching Resources
- About the Authors